6 Responses to Enough Room in My Heart – Thoughts from a Second Time Mom

  1. I know that feeling of will I love a second as much as the first. For us our second came a lot later. Our daughter was 6 and would turn 7 only 6 weeks after our baby was due! Also like you second baby was a boy! What do I do with a new baby let alone a boy!

    I was more scared second time round than the first!

    I agree that love grows not halves for each child!! And continues to grow each day. I love watching the both of them together or individually. There won’t be any more for me but I can see where the love comes from in the families with 2+ children xx

    • Thanks for sharing your story, Helen! I can only imagine that fear grows the older your first child becomes…I had a hard enough time after only having 2.5 years alone with my daughter. But what’s the most amazing to me is watching how much she adores her little brother…I’m sure it was the same with you…they have such a terrific bond already!

  2. I had the same reservations when I was pregnant with Madelyn but am thankful that they don’t exist as I approach the birth of this third one….now I just wonder how I’ll get from day to day ;)

  3. I don’t have any kids, but a lot of my friends have a child or two (or three..). I know it’s not the same, but I nanny my sister’s daughter and I am completely head over heels in love with and besotted with her…I sometimes wonder if I’ll love my OWN baby as much I adore my niece. :)
    I really like this post because I know a lot of my friends have struggled with this, too.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • It really is amazing how there’s always room to love more kiddos! And your niece is lucky to have so much love in her life :-)

  4. I can totally relate to feeling like there’s always room in my heart for more love and kids. Your post was so reassuring and made me feel less anxious about having another child. Thank you for sharing your experience!

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stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children, wife to an incredible husband, and daughter of a loving God. I freely admit that I am not always the most creative or original person when it comes to crafting, decorating, organizing, cooking, etc...but I love being inspired by great ideas and putting my own spin on them! Look around, stay a while, and I hope through my *unoriginality* I can provide some inspiration to you, too!

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