Hey, there! So glad you stopped by. I’m Meredith…mother of a two girls and a boy, all under the age of 6; wife to an incredible (and very handy) husband; and daughter of a loving and powerful God! I’m regularly *inspired* to create projects with my own spin on them…and always “inspired by HOPE in our Lord Jesus Christ!” [1Th 1:3]
My “unOriginal” journey began in January of 2013, right after I’d officially put in notice that I wouldn’t be returning from my maternity leave from my job as a high school choir director. I loved my job and my students (and I was pretty darn good at it, too), but deep down I think I always knew that I wanted to be a stay at home mom once I had kids. So here I was, trying to learn how to be good at being “domestic” through the amazing ideas on this fairly new little website called Pinterest.
I know it sounds cliche, but I had the idea for this blog in the shower. Not kidding. It began as a New-Year’s-Resolution-idea, a way for me to keep myself “accountable” for trying out the ideas that I was pinning and share my successes and failures with the internet. Read all about my initial “vision” in my very first post!
It didn’t take very long for me to begin to discover a more creative and, dare I say, original side to myself that I didn’t even know existed. I fell in love with the blogging world and discovered what an terrific outlet this could be for me in the (sometimes) mundane life of a stay at home mom. And now, I am so blessed that this little blog of mine has turned into a part time job, allowing me to continue to stay home with our kids while still contributing financially to our household. (Interested in starting a blog? Read more about my favorite blogging resources here!)
So, what will you find around here? Lots of things! I share what I’m inspired to share – usually craft and DIY tutorials, home decor ideas, organization tips, and an occasional tried-and-true family favorite recipes.(See my project gallery here!) I big-puffy-heart-LOVE my Silhouette Cameo, so I write about lots of Silhouette projects too! (I even have a free library full of Silhouette Studio cut files.) You won’t find me posting on a regular schedule, as my full-time job right now is taking care of my kids, though I do try to post at least once a week. I rarely create something just for the sole purpose of blogging about it – it’s all stuff that I’m doing in my everyday life anyway, and then I write about it here for you. What that means is here at unOriginal Mom you’ll find honest inspiration, do-able tutorials, and practical ideas for your everyday life. It won’t all be magazine-worthy, but I promise it will be REAL!
I know unOriginal Mom is an odd name for a creative blog, and I’ve thought about trying to “rebrand” and change the name. But even as I discover more of my own originality, I think my blog name still fits. I’m a believer that no idea is every truly “original,” anyway. (There’s nothing new under the sun, right?) Whether I realize it consciously or not, I’m always inspired in some way by what I see around me…by other fabulous bloggers, photos in magazines, something I see in a store, ideas from friends, or even just the beauty of God’s Creation. unOriginal Mom has been – and continues to be – a creative journey for me. Won’t you come along for the ride?
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