This is a first for me…I’m letting you in on a bit of the “man behind the curtain” by writing a post about blogging. If you’re not a blogger, this post probably won’t mean much to you…but if you are one (or have ever thought about starting your own blog), read on for a small peek into some of my blogging brain!
A quick Pinterest search will reveal literally thousands of resources for beginning bloggers. How to start a blog, how to build your blog, how to grow your following, blogging printables, social media tips, photography lessons, optimum blog design…and on and on. When I was starting out, I read TONS of those articles and felt like I had to implement them all into my blog in order to be successful. I quickly found myself burning out and not enjoying the whole blogging thing, as I was putting way too much pressure on myself to follow all of those “rules of blogging.” It led me to become obsessed with the numbers instead of blogging for fun…that’s when I knew it was time for a change.
I decided to share my story to add to those thousands of resources in the hopes that by sharing a bit of my behind-the-scenes thinking, you’ll be able to let go of any self-imposed “Pinterest Perfectionism” and allow yourself to discover what works best for you – and do it.
I had blogging burnout.
I began blogging when I was a stay at home mom to my 6 month old daughter. I didn’t know it then…but life was SO easy! She was taking two to three regular naps each day, and even when she was awake she didn’t require constant entertainment from me. I grew into a pattern of “me time” during her morning nap (blogging, surfing Pinterest, working on projects) and “productive time” in the afternoon (mostly household chores and prepping for dinner) As I really got into blogging, I began investing more and more time into it – writing posts, reading other blogs, reading about how to grow your blog, etc. I put together a blog binder with an editorial calendar and began posting 3-4 times a week. As my numbers slowly grew, I started picking up some small sponsored posts and feeling terrific about actually making enough money to support my “blog habit.” That lasted for several months – right up until about the time that my daughter dropped her morning nap. Boy, was that a difficult adjustment for me. I continued with the same schedule for a month or so but quickly began to feel burnt-out on the blog front. All of a sudden, I realized that I was not enjoying the whole blog thing as much as I was when I started – something had to give. I was making literally pennies an hour for everything that I was putting into the blog, and if I wasn’t doing it for the money, and I wasn’t enjoying it, why was I doing it at all? I needed to spend more time focusing on my daughter and taking care of our home – that was the priority. It was then that I decided I’d throw away the posting schedule and give myself permission to only post when I had something I WANTED to post about – even if that meant only posting 3-4 times a month. That was an extremely freeing decision for me. And surprisingly, without a posting schedule, my blog continued to grow at an even faster rate.
[Tweet “Blog tip: Avoid blogging burn-out. If you aren’t enjoying your blog, something needs to change.”]
Inspiration doesn’t strike on a schedule
So how do I decide how often to post? There’s not much to it – I write a blog post about a project when I’m inspired to create something that I think is worth sharing with people. That’s the whole concept of this blog, anyway – “living an inspired life.” It is rare that I create something strictly “for the blog” – most posts that you see on unOriginal Mom are usually something that I am making anyway for my home or my family. For example, I am not really big into St. Patrick’s Day, and I don’t decorate for it at our house, so I think it would be silly of me to create something that I won’t use just to showcase on the blog. I don’t have any kids in school yet, so I don’t really make “teacher appreciation” projects – I wouldn’t have anyone to give it to. The couple of times that I have created something with no purpose in my real life, those posts haven’t been very popular anyway. The only real exception is when I’m writing a sponsored post, which usually means there are specific post requirements…however, I make it a rule to NOT apply for a sponsored post unless I’m inspired by the product in some way. I’ve found that not only do “inspired” posts do much better on the blog, I am much more excited about writing them – so it’s truly a win-win.
[Tweet “Blog tip: inspiration doesn’t strike on a schedule, so why should you post on one?”]
I believe killer content beats filler content
For about the first 8 months of blogging, I posted a series called “Original Fridays.” It was a place for me to showcase neat things I’d come across in browsing other blogs through the week. For a while, it was a terrific way for me to connect with other bloggers and provide some extra inspiration to my readers. But then, I found myself frantically searching Pinterest late Thursday night to grab a few random photos to link to on my Friday post. It became more of an obligation to put together each week instead of sharing true inspiration with my readers. That’s when I decided it wasn’t worth the stress of throwing together a last-minute post just to fill my Friday post slot.
Especially in the age of Pinterest, I find I get much more mileage out of one “killer content” post rather than 3 “filler content” posts. And those posts are the ones that bring in new readers to my blog. This is just my interpretation, but I find that most blog readers are subscribers to multiple blogs, so they are never sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for a new post from me – they’ve always got stuff to read. The key is to first draw them with great content, and then get them to expect that every time they get a “new post” notification from unOriginal Mom (either via email or social media update) they know it’s going to be a great post worth reading. That will keep bringing them back.
As I’ve built up a “library” of quality content posts that continually see good amounts of Pinterest traffic, my numbers have slowly but steadily increased. In the interest of full disclosure and transparency, I’ll tell you that right now my blog is averaging about 100K pageviews per month. When I started blogging (and was beyond ecstatic to hit 5K pageviews a month) I never dreamed I’d ever grow to see that number. I know it doesn’t make me a “big” blog, but I’m really happy with it – and even happier that it continues to grow.
[Tweet “Blog Tip: killer content beats filler content. Don’t waste time writing stuff that’s not worth it.”]
This is not my full time job.
If blogging was my full time job, you can bet I’d be posting on a much more structured schedule. I’d still be following the same principles of “killer content over filler content,” but I’d have so much more time to put into developing posts on a regular basis. But the bottom line is, my full time job is taking care of my kids (yes, I’ve got two littles now!) and that in itself takes more hours than there are in a day! I have grown to make a very small part time income from this blog, which is terrific, but my I’m not in the blogging game to make money – I’m in it for a fun and enjoyable hobby to do in my free time. Ultimately my priority is my family and the life stage we’re in right now just doesn’t allow for much free time to spend on myself.
How to schedule…without a schedule.
So, you want to try this whole “blogging without a schedule” thing too? First, a bit of clarification – blogging without a specific post schedule is not the same thing as blogging without a calendar. I do keep track of my scheduled posts and deadlines with a system that helps keep me organized, even without blogging on a schedule. I keep a Google spreadsheet to help me keep track of my posts – one tab for post ideas, and one tab for a posts “in the pipeline.” Even without a strict weekly schedule, I still do have some deadlines…the monthly Silhouette Challenge posts that I like to participate in, any sponsored post deadlines, or blog hops/giveaways I may be signed up for. To keep from missing any of that, I just keep a list of dates on that Google spreadsheet along with how far along that post is…I’ve got columns along the top for project completed, photos taken, photos edited, post written, post scheduled, social media scheduled.
I would highly recommend signing up with Co-Schedule (<–that’s an referral link but if you don’t want to use it, here’s a direct link…either way I’d really encourage you to check them out!). Co-Schedule has been a HUGE time saver for me, as I can schedule my posts and social media promotions for a specific day, then decide to change the post date and just drag it to a different day on the calendar – and all the social media posts go with it. As I’ve got a few completed posts “in the pipeline” I really like to be able to spread them out – so I may have a post scheduled for next Monday and Thursday, but then I finish a new post that’s more seasonal and would do better to publish earlier – so I can easily schedule it for Monday, then push the Monday post to Thursday, and the Thursday post to the week after that. It’s so easy!
There is no “right” or “wrong” way to blog. Blogging without a strict weekly schedule is what works for me – but don’t assume it will work best for you. What it all boils down to is you have to discover YOUR best blogging method, and don’t get caught up in the numbers, or what somebody else tells you to do. Ultimately, your blog will grow the fastest and you will be the happiest when you get into a “groove” that works best for you to create that killer content – and the readers will come.
Psss! Want more fantastic and practical tips on growing your blog? Check out this incredible eBook (aff link) by Abby Lawson, from Just a Girl and Her Blog –
If you’re a blogger, what have you had to “let go of” to maintain enjoyment in your blog? Or if you’re a reader, I’m curious to know (and be honest) – do you prefer a set weekly schedule of more frequent posts, or would you rather be reading fewer posts of higher quality?

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Meredith, this post is amazing! I think it really speaks to most of us. Thanks for being real.
Thanks so much Marilyn! This was as much a reminder to me as a post for the masses, too. I am glad to know I’m not alone in thinking this way!
I love your strategy Meredith. Good to hear your point of view, as I was actually thinking that maybe I wasn’t posting frequently enough but was wondering how I’d find the time to ramp it up.
Maybe I don’t need too :)
Thanks Pam! And I totally agree, I don’t think you need to…unless you’ve got a bunch of great posts up your sleeve, in which case, go for it! But I definitely wouldn’t stress out about trying to increase your post frequency if you don’t have the time!
Meredith, this is SO great. Thank you for sharing your thoughts- it is very helpful and freeing. I just get so stressed about what the “right” thing to do is, it makes it not fun anymore.
I am right there with you, Amanda! I can’t lie, I still get caught up in that stress and guilt every once in a while, so I wrote this post as much as a reminder to myself as anything!
What a great post! As a blogger, I can relate to everything you mentioned. I too, feel the tugging of a necessary post even when I don’t have a quality recipe to share. Although I usually have the best of intentions to post regularly, I usually end up posting when I can, and only when I feel my recipe is one readers will enjoy. Thank you!
You’re very welcome, and thanks for sharing your thoughts! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in feeling this way. But I do truly believe that both the blogger and the readers are better off when it’s only quality stuff being posted!
Love your approach to sharing killer content rather than scrambling for filler content. I’m SO with you on that! And while a year ago or even a few months ago, I would have felt guilty for just posting once a week, I’m learning to love this more-balanced pace – – and thankfully, my numbers aren’t declining like I expected they would. Win-win! Off to pin this goldmine of a post. Thanks for your candidness!
Thanks, friend! To be honest, I really started picking up on this about a year and a half ago after a conversation we had in our sassy FB group…you shared some similar viewpoints and it was so freeing for me! So thank you for the part you played in adjusting my blogging mentality!
Such a great post! I needed to read this. Thanks for sharing! :)
VEry true a person should enjoy blogging
This is exactly what I needed to read today. I am so glad I happened across this post on Project Inspired. I am pinning it as a reminder. Thank you for sharing such an honest post. <3
Beautifully said! Sometimes it is good to slow down! Pinning this!
I love this Meredith! So nice to know I am not alone! Thanks so much for sharing this post! :)
Quality over quantity is my blogging motto! I loved this post!
Wow. One of the best “behind the scenes” blogging posts I’ve read. I have only been blogging for about a month and I can’t see keeping a strict schedule with my two littles. At this point my blog is for fun. It’s way too new to earn money (though it would be great if it got there someday) so I agree that it doesn’t make sense to take the fun out of it by trying to fill it with stuff that doesn’t inspire me. Even if it did earn money it wouldn’t be worth it to do that! I definitely think you can still have a sense of purpose without a strict schedule, and I imagine THAT is what most readers really want. Thanks for the great post!
Thanks so much, Nicole! I can’t even tell you how great it is that you have a handle on this concept so early in your blog…I think many people who start a blog (myself included) get so obsessed with wanting it to grow fast and be successful, they quickly forget why they started it in the first place! Best of luck as you begin the crazy (and fun!) journey of blogging :-)
Well Amen to all of that! I have a job and 3 teenagers so my blog is supposed to just be fun for me, a chance to share my projects etc. I will stop the minute it’s not fun any more but it is so easy to get swept along with what you think your ought to be doing. We moved just under a month ago and our internet was off for 3 long weeks. I was pleasantly surprised to see my blog had managed nicely without me!
I was literally thinking about writing a post much like this. I have 4 kids and my mom time is my most important, my life is crazy and hectic and when I try to schedule my posts I feel like I miss out on my most important job of being a mom. When everything works out great I can get a blog post done and when it doesn’t I don’t beat my self up about it because my time with my family trumps it all. Thank you for this post, its so nice to know Im not alone in the not scheduling department. :)
Wait, did I write this post, or did you?? This speaks to me so much, and I’m at about a quarter of your monthly PV. I’ve gotten more regular with my posts, but that has more to do with a stockpile of projects waiting to be posted, rather than anything else . I work a 40hr job, have an 8mo old and 4yr old in part time care, and strive for a clean house. Something has to give! I started to not sweat the “three times a week” threshold, since I’ve never attained it anyway! :) Love this, and good for you and all your success!
Oh, I wish I could keep ahead with a bunch of projects ready to be posted! I had that briefly in January when I was preparing for a little maternity leave, it was SUCH a great feeling!! Kudos to you for being able to stay ahead – with two kiddos too! I am still adjusting to even less free time with two kids than I had with one, I hope to be able to get back into blogging a bit more regularly, but in the meantime I’m definitely not stressing about it. Thanks for your sweet words!
I have always thought that killer content was super important. Thanks for posting. Hello from Project Inspired.
This is so refreshing! I recently made the same discovery. I have a 3 year old and a new baby, and while I was on my “blog maternity leave” I was able to really put things in perspective. It’s freeing not to have a schedule, and the quality of my posts has improved pretty dramatically as well. Even though it goes against all the advice, my blog is growing faster now because I’m posting about what I’m passionate about and not just because the calendar says it’s due.
It’s so counterintuitive, isn’t it? Post LESS often and you’ll grow your blog faster? But I’ve found it to be true, too! And I enjoy it so much more. I just wish I would have figured it out from the beginning! You are so right – post what you’re passionate about, and the readers will find you.
Thank you so much for this post! It encouraged me to “just breathe.” I’ve been starting to feel a bit bogged down by blogging lately and, after reading your post, I realize it’s because I’m trying to crank out posts and am not enjoying it in the process. Not to mention, I’ve got three kiddos and one on the way to take care of. When I feel pressured to write a post, it just makes me an all-around cranky person. I like the idea of not having a schedule, so I think I’ll take a breather and utilize your suggestion of only posting when I really have something to share.
I’m stopping by from the Work It Wednesday blog hop and am now a new follower! :)
Wow, I’m impressed that you found time to leave a comment let alone have your own blog with 3 kiddos at home!! Major gold stars to you…I can only hope that when we get to kid #3 I am still standing on my feet at the end of the day :-) Letting go of that schedule is SO freeing, I really encourage you to try it!
Ok, the whole time I was reading this, I kept thinking “This is MEEEE!” Seriously, I can relate to *everything* you wrote….even down to the sadness when your daughter dropped to one nap (my son just started only napping once a day, and it’s been a huge adjustment for us….and a big killer of my crafting time!). I’m starting to lighten up on myself and not panic when my self-imposed blog “rules” aren’t being followed, and your post here helped to put everything back into perspective. Thanks for sharing this!!
Gosh losing that morning nap is just brutal, isn’t it? I’m glad that this post can help you through it a bit! Definitely cut yourself some slack…it’s so hard to fit everything into the day, especially when there’s a little person demanding your attention for most of your waking hours!!
Honestly this is something I needed to read today. I found myself agreeing with everything you had to say and it is encouraging that I’m not the only one who believes it is possible to go against all the things we hear that we “must” do to be a blogger. I’m really in a blogging rut right now trying to do everything “right” and not enjoying it at all.
I’d love if you’d be willing to share this inspiration at my link party today. There are a lot of bloggers who need to read this!!! Have a great day!
Jamie, I’m so glad this post spoke to you! Sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to do what we know we need to do. Heading over to link up now!!
I feel the same way you do!
I actually have tons of ideas and projects made and realized when sorting pictures that I have over 50 projects made and photographed already. It’s harder for me to sit down and get the posts out, and I just try to take it easy and get to it when I can.
Are there bloggers out there who are more “successful” that I am at this point in the blogging experience? Of course- lots of them- but I am happy the way I’m doing it.
When I began blogging, I didn’t realize that money could be made from it. I did it because I enjoyed it. I’m happy to say that I still love it. :)
I’m glad that you still enjoy it! That’s really what it’s all about!
I was posting every day this month, following prompts that I’d found. I discovered that my blog hits actually went down during the first week of May. I tabled the daily blogging after that. I for sure do Mondays, because I host a link up, and Fridays usually, but I have two blogs ( and and a schedule would kill me. I’m too invested in living life away from the computer for that!
Reading this over a year later but find it very helpful for a new blogger (who happens to be a mom) trying to find her way! A new journey with tons of info out there (some a little intimidating), but I found this comforting and realistic. Thanks so much!