21 Responses to Baby Checklists: 10 Baby Must Haves

  1. Great checklist! I never bought actual burp cloths and instead used cloth diapers, as well. They have protected who knows just how many shirts and pants of mine, and I couldn’t live without them.

    Everyone told me that I wouldn’t want a bulky changing table around when the floor would be fine to change the baby, but I snagged one at a thrift shop for $30 when my first was born, and I love it, too. It is great for storage as much as actually changing babies. When my oldest was potty trained, it became a storage shelf for all manner of toys and other kid essentials. Now, it’s back to being a changing table for the new baby.

    I can’t wait to see what’s next on your upcoming checklists. :)

    • Thanks Tiffany! I have a changing table too (it was a craigslist find for $30 too!), I love it! That will be in next week’s post :-)

  2. Great list! I absolutely agree with1,2,3,5,10! I’m sure I’d agree with the others too, but I haven’t us all the products. I absolutely agree with swaddling and loosing your mind at night and not remembering feelings. I used an app to keep track – so helpful!

  3. Love this list I’m expecting my first in October and learned tons! I’ll definitely be checking out your other posts as well! Thanks for sharing!
    Stopped by from Trendy Treehouse

  4. Great list! The boppy is definitely a life-saver. I had one by my bed and one in the living room while I was nursing! It is so funny how the essentials can change by baby, as you mentioned. Our baby swing was a life-saver with my older son, and my younger son never used his. He was obsessed with his swaddle wrap, though, which son #1 never was. These kiddos! Always keeping us on our toes! ;) I popped over from The Shabby Creek Cottage–thanks for sharing!

    ~Abby =)

    • Thanks Abby! I know, it will be interesting to see how my list changes with the next kid…I’m sure it will! I wish I had gotten two boppys…I was always carrying it up and down the stairs. I think for the next baby it will be worth buying another one!

  5. Yes, the boppy is a must have. We had two, though we were done and gave everything away. Now we’re having surprise baby number 3 and the boppy is on the top of the list of must-haves. A glider rocker and breast pump as my other must-haves.

    • Ah yes, the Boppy is definitely something worth getting again! I actually got mine on craigslist for $10, and it was like brand new! I definitely agree with the glider, that’s in my Nursery Checklist post!

  6. Wow, this is a great checklist! Perfect for first time moms especially. #5 were my lifesavers and I didn’t use them as diapers only burp cloths!

  7. I know i just picked up my new glasses prescription and I’m getting use to having glasses again but where is the link for the PDF on this one?
    Thank you in advance.

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stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children, wife to an incredible husband, and daughter of a loving God. I freely admit that I am not always the most creative or original person when it comes to crafting, decorating, organizing, cooking, etc...but I love being inspired by great ideas and putting my own spin on them! Look around, stay a while, and I hope through my *unoriginality* I can provide some inspiration to you, too!

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