I recently participated in a “Toddler Busy Bag Exchange” with 19 other local moms…we got together in a Facebook group and each signed up to make 20 identical busy bags by ourselves, then got together and exchanged bags to take home a bounty of 20 different busy bags for our kiddo! (I photographed each bag I received and compiled them all into a blog post on it’s own HERE!)
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My contribution for our Toddler Busy Bag Exchange were these Magnetic Farms Toddler Activity Books, using printable magnetic sheets of paper, my Silhouette, and DVD tins. I was inspired by some magnet boards (like this one) I had seen on Pinterest, but A) purchasing 20 small cookie sheets for the exchange was going to be cost prohibitive, and B) I wanted something that was a little more self contained (like this one). So I began searching the internet for something magnetic that was “close-able” and under $2 each. That took a while. Eventually I stumbled upon tin CD cases, which I thought would be a little too small for what I wanted, but realized that DVD cases would be the perfect size! Of course, then I couldn’t find those at a reasonable price for the number I needed…but I was so excited about the idea that when I found a bulk order for 50 cases on Amazon that came out to under $2 per case, I decided to spring for them. (Unfortunately they’re no longer available on Amazon, sorry!) My plan is to make more of these magnetic traveling farms to sell locally and give some away as gifts to other kiddos as birthdays and Christmas rolls around.
So after I had the project all planned out, in my process of scouring the internet for DVD tins I happened upon this post from A Crafty B and discovered my “original” idea wasn’t so original after all! There’s truly nothing new under the sun, is there? Ah well. So if you are looking for another variation of these magnetic farm toddler activities, be sure to hop over and see a different take on the same idea (along with an “ocean” themed tin as well!)
Ok, now for the “how-to” if you’re looking to make your own. I bought two packages of Avery Printable Magnetic Paper from Amazon. Silhouette also makes Printable Magnetic Paper that is great, but I had procrastinated (as usual!) and needed to take advantage of our Amazon Prime 2-day shipping :-)
UPDATE: I’ve made some more of these farms for gifts and used Silhouette Adhesive Magnet Sheets, and it worked wonderfully! I actually got my animals printed at a copy shop on high-gloss paper and then adhered the whole paper to the magnet sheets before cutting – this way the animal magnets are shiny and a even bit more durable than the printable magnetic paper sheets.
I found this farm animal clip art on Etsy for just $6 and knew that the animals and the background would be perfect for my little magnetic traveling farm. The tracing process was a little bit tricky for some of the animals with lighter colors…so I took the images into Photoshop and filled them with black first, traced the filled images in Silhouette Studio to get the cut outline, and then pasted in the original animal shape. Finally, I used the offset tool to get a cut line a little bit larger than the animal itself to allow for a bit of forgiveness if the print and cut was slightly off. After a bit of maneuvering, I was able to get two full sets of animals on each paper, so the design looked like this:
I “printed” my Studio file to PDF (see this post for a tutorial on printing to PDF from Silhouette Studio) so I was able to have my color prints done elsewhere. Then, using the recommended cut settings in the Silhouette Studio software, I cut out 10 sheets of magnets!
I found it best to use a really sticky mat, then once it’s cut, peel up the excess magnet paper first so you’re left with just the animal shapes on the mat.
Then, turn the mat over and peel the mat away from the shapes rather than the other way around…that prevents you from accidentally decapitating an animal or losing a tail, since the magnet paper can rip easily on the super-sticky mat. I found that cutting magnet paper really does a number on your blade, so I wouldn’t use a new blade for this.
I used Photoshop to crop the background into right and left pieces that would fit inside the dvd tin, then created a print and cut file for them as well, making the image slightly larger than the rounded rectangle cut shape. In hindsight, I could have just printed them 2 to a page sideways and used a paper trimmer and a rounded-corner paper punch to conserve paper (and not have to cut 40 of them individually with the Silhouette!) but they still turned out great.
The backgrounds are just printed on plain white copy paper. I used spray adhesive and my Silhouette scraper tool to attach them inside each tin.
Finally, I created a simple label design and cut it out of vinyl to adhere to the front of each tin!
Of course, I personalized Addy’s :-)
Aaaaand they’re done…all 20 of them! Beyond the designing process, the assembly really wasn’t difficult at all – just a little time consuming. But considering I will be getting 20 unique toddler busy bags in exchange for these, it’s totally worth it!
Of course, now my wheels are turning…I think these DVD tins have so many possibilities! Under-the-sea, zoo animals, build-a-monster, letters & numbers, a seasons tree, dress-a-doll, build a snowman, decorate a Christmas tree, fill an Easter basket…you may be seeing a few more variations on this magnetic activity case in the future!
And honestly, you don’t even need a Silhouette to make something like this! You can print your own background and cut it out by hand, and then buy some small animal magnets like these to fill up your case!
Be sure to stop by again next week for a post about the entire Toddler Busy Bag Exchange – I can’t wait to show you the other 19 bags I brought home! (UPDATE – you can view that post HERE!)
Like this project? Come see another fun idea I had for these DVD tins – a DVD Case Coloring Kit!

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These are super cute! Are you going to let us know if/when you’re going to sell some?
What a fun activity for your little one! Thanks for the tutorial!
Meredith, THANK YOU so very much for sharing the tutorial. We will be on road trips a lot this season and this is a great idea! I have been thinking to buy magnetic toy for them but hey why not making them, right? :D
Ohmygoodness, if you start selling this I would so buy one-my boys would love them (and I’m too crazy busy/unmotivated to make my own!)
I would totally buy some blank tins from you to make my own. Wanna sell some? Shoot me an email – eahern at live dot com
What a great idea! I would love to make one for my son… I even have the magnetic paper! Just have to chase down one of those cases, unless you’re willing to part with one. :)
Are you selling them?? Would love to buy some! Let me know!
This is adorable! I wish you could buy the DVD cases in smaller quantities, if you decide to sell some blank ones I would love some!
If you have any blank cases left, I would love to buy some off you! Please, please!!
I’d love to buy some blank cases from you as well. LMK if you have any left!!
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Oh goodness! I need to make these for my twin granchildren! Just fabulous! I’m guessing after all the requests above you have no tins left haha!
I would also love to buy some blank cases if you have any left and want to sell them. I would love to make a few different magnet twins for my three year old boy, he would love them!
I recently made these for my nephews birthday party and they were a BIG hit. Something so simple can look so fun. Thank you!
Oh my goodness, I LOVE this! Please let me know if you decide to make and sell them. I’d be in for more than one, for sure!
I don’t think I’ve told you yet how clever these are. So cool!
Adorable!! Did you put anything on top of the animal cutouts to protect them?
Also, if you’re interested in selling some cases, I’d be interested in buying a dozen or so.
[…] your own using directions from Here or […]
[…] Magnetic Traveling Farm // Unoriginal Mom – I love, love, love this traveling magnetic farm. It’s just perfect to keep those little one busy. […]
I would love to buy some blank cases if you still have some available! Please email me!
this is the coolest thing I have seen this month! So awesome!
Would you mind sharing the silhouette file you created for this?
Hi Laura, I created my cut files from clip art that I purchased from Etsy, so I cannot share it. I did link to the clip art in the blog post if you’re interested in purchasing them yourself, though.
If I send you a receipt from the buyer on etsy showing you I purchased the same clip art, would you share the silhouette file? What you did in photoshop is beyond me! :)
i would love to buy this from you, and any other themes you would make… Please contact at mrsyanong@aol.com
[…] A magnetic farm is very original. […]
[…] Magnetic Farm Tin […]
I love how effortless you make all of your DIYs, this one in particular. I love it…my daughter is only 4 months old but I’m already thinking of great things I can DIY for her. I definitely like that we’re subscribed to your email list so we get to see all your latest projects :)
Hi there,
If you haven’t already used them all or sold them all, i’d definitely buy some dvd cases – or completed magnetic farms from you too.
What brilliance!
:) Katie
Paper Mart has little tin containers and can be purchased in smaller quantities, I believe.
Yes, those are an option! They were smaller than what I wanted for this project, though. But I’m sure you could use them for lots of clever little things!
Hi! Have you started selling these yet?
I don’t currently sell them Alaina…just not enough hours in the day! Sorry! You might find something similar on Etsy, though!
[…] Read how one mom made a farm magnet game for gifts at Unoriginal Mom >>> […]
[…] Found it here >> Unoriginal Mom […]
[…] Magnetic Farm Tin […]