I absolutely love the look of a photo canvas – sleek and simple without a frame and it goes with any décor. So, when I found this tutorial on Pinterest on how to make your own, I definitely wanted to give it a try!
You can click on the photo to read the entire tutorial from Little Bit Funky, but essentially all you do is print a photo on tissue paper and then Mod Podge it onto a canvas. Sounds simple enough, right?
I guess it depends on your printer, but I had a heck of a time getting anything to print on tissue paper using our old laser jet. I taped the tissue paper to a piece of regular printer paper (easier than it sounds, by the way!) and tried to run it through my printer, but no matter how tightly I taped it or how much I tried to get the wrinkles out, it kept wrinkling up on itself or getting caught on a roller inside the printer, so it never printed quite right. (I suppose you could iron your tissue paper to get all the wrinkles out and see if that would work, but after un-jamming my printer multiple times I just didn’t have that much patience left!)
So, while this wasn’t going to work for any regular photo, I decided to give it a go with our ultrasound picture to put in the nursery. It did wrinkle up a little bit, but I was able to fill in some of the bigger wrinkles with black sharpie so it wasn’t quite so obvious. Then, as the tutorial instructed, I Mod-podged it onto an 8×10 canvas…and it actually looked pretty good!
Unless you get close up, and you can see where all the wrinkles are…
But I put it high on a shelf in the nursery, and it looks great!
I don’t have a definitive rating on this one. For me, it was a loser, since it didn’t work with a nice B&W photo like I wanted it to…but I think if you had a nicer printer and had the patience to get the tissue paper really flat and smooth, it could work. Mod-podging the tissue paper onto the canvas created a really neat effect, and it could actually pass for a real printed photo canvas, IF you can get a photo to actually print well on tissue paper.
So, readers, I think you’re going to have to try this one for yourself! Let me know how it turns out!

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Hi I’m gonna have a go at this it always looks so simple until I try it lol